Welcome to the Midwest Petanque Alliance BLOG. The MPA includes: Zanesfield Petanque Club, Chicago Petanque Club, Minneapolis Petanque Club, Rocket City Petanque Club, and Detroit Petanque Club. The main purpose of this BLOG is the promotion of petanque and petanque related news and photos for the Midwest community. See the links to actual club sites on the right...
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Monday, April 25, 2005
M.P.C. LOSES to D.P.C - Three Games to One

Wyandotte, (DPC Piste) - Don (D.P.C. VP) and Jeff (M.P.C. VP) played four games on Monday night at the D.P.C. terrain in Wyandotte. Clearly the M.P.C. has a bright new contender for future tournaments after DPC-VP, Don took three games, and MPC-VP, Jeff only just squeezed in a win for MPC in the last one.
After the games, MPC-VP Jeff commented: "Joe warned me about this new club in Wyandotte - but I didn't believe him until now. They totally sent M.P.C. down to chinatown."
Another interesting note: the application/interview process for the Boulies - the D.P.C. Cheerleaders from local high schools is taking place this week...

Sunday, April 24, 2005
FW: Boulodrome Looking Quite Springy
Spring is here. It was bound to happen. And this means a number of things:
A) The greenhouse will become too hot to play inside (it'll be like a greenhouse in there!);
B) The outdoor terrain at Royal Oak will be our usual place to play Petanque; and
C) Bordines is filling their greenhouses with their flowers and trees.
Here is a great photo of the boulodrome in bloom...with Joyce about to point (thanks Joe)
Friday, April 22, 2005
D.P.C. Ground Broken In

The virgin ground of D.P.C. was broken in by the two Presidents on this rainy Friday - with two full (and very wet) games. The first game was close, 13/11 (DPC) and the second, to MPC (13/7). Looks like we may see more of MPC now that the bathroom access has been finalized.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005
M.P.C. & D.P.C. Operations

The Detroit Petanque Club is now operational.
Joe and I have discussed how the two clubs will interact regarding the blog and websites.
If you have any ideas or comments for how we can organize/market our clubs, please let us know. We have lots of talented members and we welcome your help.
Monday, April 18, 2005

Jennifer is passionate about winning back the "Battle of the Boules" cup. Here she is practicing her pointing at Palazzo di Bocce. Playing with bocce balls one night, and petanque boules the next may affect her Sunday game - we'll have to watch her closely.

Jennifer, Dave, and Joe met at the Palazzo di Bocce to train for next year's Battle of the Boules. "Next time, it's going to be a different ball game for M.P.C.," said Joe, "we'll be taking home the cup (BOB cup) for sure."

Sunday, April 17, 2005
M.P.C. greets D.P.C. at Royal Oak Piste

Joe Zajac, President of the Michigan Petanque Club standing with Jeff Widen, President of the Detroit Petanque Club. "It'll be fun to have a friendly rivalry between the two clubs," reflected Jeff, "and who knows, maybe Joe can work on getting some snazzy uniforms for his club members like D.P.C."

The Michigan Petanque Club welcomes you to our friendly group. Stop by at our Sunday outdoor game, no need for equipment - we have plenty for you to use - the rules are easy, and the atmosphere is fun, not die-hard competitive.

Mike Lines Up His Shot

Mike lines up a pointing... In the background, newest member, Hal also begins his pointing throw.
Both have played bocce for years which has helped them to get an immediate feel for the sport of Petanque. If you bowl, you'll point well in Petanque too - though the boules (balls) are slightly smaller.

Good Food - Good Friends

Everyone enjoys the social gatherings we have at the Michigan Petanque Club. Today, we had the pleasure of fresh cantaloupe, and a really super dip. Thanks Everyone!

Dan Shows Us His Lob Shot

The club's prized shooter, Dan takes aim at his opponent's boule. Shooting boules takes practice, but it is crucial for game play to have a shooter on the team to "remove" the close-boules.

Brigitte - Pointing Pro

As Joyce and Mike look on in awe -- Brigitte, our newest member, is an incredible pointer. I witnessed plenty of really close boule to cochon rolls from her. It must be her skill with bocce which she plays with her husband, Hal. I wonder who shall point better, Jeanette or Brigitte... we shall see.

Don Returns

Look who has returned... Don jumped right back into the game. Clean shaven Thierry stands by awaiting his turn.

Hal Takes Aim

Hal takes aim while Joe looks on. It was a perfect day for outdoor petanque. Not too sunny, good food, and lots of playtime.

Sorting the Teams - Marley Looks On

Each day we sort the teams by random. Everyone throws their ball on the count of three, to the aim ball. Then the balls are lined up in "closeness order" and teams selected. Club mascot Marley reviews the process...

Thursday, April 14, 2005
No Bushes Evacuation Policy

For the sake of sanitation, and our diverse club membership, please obey the club: "No Bushes Evacuation" policy. You can utilize the newest addition to the club (see Petanque Potty photo).

Porto-Petanque Potty Allows for More Gametime

Sure, there's choices. The facilities are about a 15 minute walk - clean, and presentable - but why trudge out of your way, when - within Joe's truck awaits: The Petanque Potty Chair. And remember the club rule: the losing team of the tournament has to clean out the Potty Chair at the end of the day! Quite an incentive to practice!

Rising from the South - a new upstart in the petanque family...

Rising from the South... the beginnings of a sister club to the Michigan Petanque Club. Find out more about this new upstart at the next meeting (this Sunday at our piste in Royal Oak). Joe and Jeff are extremely excited about the tournament potential this will mean for Mid-West petanque! Believe us, this is going to be VERY fun indeed.

Sunday, April 10, 2005
Three Cheers for the Three Amigos

The Three Amigos (Joe Quick Draw, Ken Calipers, and Crazy Jeff) had an old Western style Petanque Stand-Off against the Canadian Gang (Shooter Gerard and Two-Guns Roland). The fierce boule-off had the Three Amigos in a heap of trouble, trailing behind the C.G. 6 to 12. But the trio got their act together and sent them running for the hills (or at least back to Windsor) with excellent shooting and pointing to bring the score to 13/12 - for the Three Amigos!

Saturday, April 09, 2005
It's a Cochon, NOT a Pallino
After a couple of weeks of delays, the latest Rochester Best of Nine has concluded. Joe Zajac of Team Z had apparently been evading competition, claiming one evening “to have forgotten that it was Friday night,” appearing instead at the Palazzo di Bocce. On another Friday when it would have been possible to conclude the Ninth Best of Nine, Mr. Zajac went so far as to leave town, for Florida, ostensibly to attend a Petanque conference there. The sports writing staff heard through other sources, though, that Joe was suffering a mental break and just couldn’t take the unrelenting series of defeats any more. In a further sign of this mental break, others heard Mr. Zajac referring to the bouchon as a pallino, a symptom brought on most probably by Zajac’s recent flirtation with bocce, a sport in which the playing field against the unstoppable LaChance is more level.
Well, Team Z did finally face off against Team LaChance last night, starting the night off our readers will remember with a 3 games to 3 games deadlock. Team Z, having learned something apparently at the junket in Florida slapped LaChance with a 13-1 defeat in the first round, putting four matches into the win column for Zajac, and putting him within one game of winning this Ninth Best of Nine. A hush of anticipation fell over the crowd.
In the eighth match, LaChance rallied, returning a 13-2 defeat to Zajac, again tying the number of matches at 4 – 4. The imminent, and unfamiliar taste of victory proved to be too much for Zajac, though, and he succumbed in the ninth match 13-4. And thus concludes the Ninth Best of Nine, with all nine having been decided in favor of LaChance.
The Petanque Central sports writing staff at this point is faced with no choice but to endorse Integrale as the clear boule of choice for serious Petanque players. The evidence in favor of Integrale is overwhelming. LaChance has beaten Team Z in a perfect nine out of nine Best of Nines, and has done this against a Team Z which placed 6th in the US, according to the Petanque Federation of America, during their most recent tournament in Florida. And LaChance has done this with no practice, further proving the superiority of the Integrale boules. Sorry Obut.
Sunday, April 03, 2005
Boulodrome Tournament Results

Much thanks to Dan for organizing a fun and successful (esp. for Team 4) event.
Ten of us divided into 4 teams (2 doublettes, and 2 triplettes). The tournament had some very close games, and excellent game play by all. I can say that I was witness to Thierry's remarkable pointing ability. Quite a dangerous player. Romain held his own, with pointing that saved many an end. Afterwards, many of us stayed to play another game of petanque.

Everyone is a Winner at Michigan Petanque

(click on photo to enlargen it)
There were enough MS-Petanque T-Shirt prizes to go around, thanks to playaboule's generousity. (www.playaboule.com) - the ultimate victor was team 4 - with 3 wins (out of 3 games) - congrats Cyrille, Jennifer and Jeffrey.

Marieke Rolland proved to be a formidable Player

Marieke, Joe's shooting partner, in the National Doubles, played magnificently this weekend. Though the two didn't win the gold, they fared very well and almost beat the team which actually did win the tournament. In that game, they were up 11/1. But as things sometimes happen in petanque, the opposition caught up. We look forward to Joe's return to tell us about the tournament and the playing techniques he's witnessed. Right now, however, Joe is probably enjoying the 85 degree weather and scuba diving (in shark infested waters - so I hear).

Newsletter Reading ENFORCED !

While Joe was away, winning kudos and recognition for the club down in the National Doubles: VP-Jeff ensured that the new mandatory 1/2 hour newsletter reading took place. Members were instructed to read the newsletter aloud, and to sing it if asked. Roland has an excellent singing voice I might add.