The whole crew! Philippe, Jake, Heidi, Rolf, Jim, Jean-Claude, Tony, Romain, Maude, Eric, Joyce, Michel, Jimmy, Gerard (in back), Rolland, Daniel, Danny, Sebastian, Francois, and Theiry, and other friends. The day was perfect! Although, I only have 10 fingers, how do I sort out these boules? Cyrille, you might have to cut your vacation to France short to help me out! What more can you ask for though than a day like this with all of these great friends! Tres Bien! (I'm trying to work on my French!)

Welcome to the Midwest Petanque Alliance BLOG. The MPA includes: Zanesfield Petanque Club, Chicago Petanque Club, Minneapolis Petanque Club, Rocket City Petanque Club, and Detroit Petanque Club. The main purpose of this BLOG is the promotion of petanque and petanque related news and photos for the Midwest community. See the links to actual club sites on the right...
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Great Weather Brought out Great People!
The whole crew! Philippe, Jake, Heidi, Rolf, Jim, Jean-Claude, Tony, Romain, Maude, Eric, Joyce, Michel, Jimmy, Gerard (in back), Rolland, Daniel, Danny, Sebastian, Francois, and Theiry, and other friends. The day was perfect! Although, I only have 10 fingers, how do I sort out these boules? Cyrille, you might have to cut your vacation to France short to help me out! What more can you ask for though than a day like this with all of these great friends! Tres Bien! (I'm trying to work on my French!)
Campus Martius Crew is Serious!
Jeff takes Charge in the Clean-Up
After 8 1/2 hours of playing petanque on Saturday, Jeff (Snoop) kindly offers to help in the clean-up, and surprisingly still excited to do so, as you can see! Everyone should come down when they can to see how nice the courts are (Saturdays, 9:00-3:00), not to mention the sandwiches from Au Bon Pain (in the background)!
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Jazz Extrodinaire May Play Campus Martius!
I (Joe) can't help but say that Mr. George Benson is an incredible Jazz musician! I had a great time watching his band, and having a little talk with him and his band on Wednesday night at Meadow Brook Hall's "Music on the Lawn" event. Campus Martius would, without a doubt, bring benefits to its park and visitors by having his band come by to do some playing. Of Course!, I'd prefer that he do it while we're teaching a little petanque! Maybe he can come down and play some of that great saxophone he displayed tonight!... It'll surely get us in the mood for some relaxed, focused petanque play!
Monday, July 25, 2005
Cooler Weather Riverside....
Tony Proves that New Petanque Players Can Be Great Petanque Players
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Thunderstorm Watches?, Warnings? Not Enough!
Despite televised thunderstorm warnings and watches Sunday morning, it wasn't enough to thwart the hard-core players! Joyce, Danny, Eric, Maude, Hal, Brigette, Joe, Dave and friends still came out to keep the piste busy Sunday afternoon. The afternoon turned out just great afterall! (Although many of us said we'd be there with our rain gear if we had to!)
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Campus Martius Park offers Petanque on Saturdays
Tony Plays the Point Perfectly at Campus Martius
Cheryl Points Right to the Cochon at the Campus Martius Park
Michigan Welcome for T'Choupi
Monday, July 18, 2005
Petanque and Campus Martius Park in Detroit
Amazingly, Petanque is being played at the Campus Martius Park (in Detroit off Woodware, near Compuware) on Saturdays, (between 9am-3pm).
Strange but true, sometimes Petanque DOES exist in Michigan without the help of Joe and Jeff.
What did YOU do during lunch today?
Lunchtime petanque is turning into an immediate success story. Meeting at around 11:30 a.m. - with plenty of courts to choose among, Jeff and Hal darted from terrain to terrain to find out the various "tricks" and "angles."
Renaissance Petanque won't be caught without the advantage to any challengers.
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Friday, July 15, 2005
Ken Visits the Detroit Petanque Club

Friday Night -- Ken Chance gave his approval of the D.P.C. terrain, despite the fact that his team (Ken & Denise) lost to Joe & Jeff in 2 out of 3 games (and that final game on account of the field lights being switched off to throw us all into utter darkness. Kens play was really great, with solid shooting and good strategy. Denise was actually keen on continuing in the dark, using flashlights if necessary. I'll have to remember to stock up on camping lanterns for next time. Check out Joe's fancy petanque sneakers. (Joe says... Philippe's (from Petanque America) neighbor's 15-year old daughter from France said to get them when he was in NY, she says "their cool", so he couldn't let her down.)
More Brooklyn Bastille Photos
Seems Joe saw quite a production out there in Brooklyn. Here's some more photos of the event, which included a guillutine - (for those who cheat?) Apparently the way one keeps more than 100 teams playing well and playing on-time is to keep to 10 points or 30 minutes per game. The 30-minute mark denoted by Mario using an Airhorn! Bravo Petanque-America!
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Renaissance Petanque Club's Official 1st Game
The weather today was HOT HOT HOT - but that didn't keep us from playing the first official petanque game at the new courts along the Riverfront (near the GM Renaissance Center).
Hal, Jake, Carol and Jeff played an 11:30 a.m. start - ending at 12:30p.m. 13 to 11 (Hal/Jeff just squeezed in a victory).
Riverboat cruises by, the Renaissance Petanque Club looks promising
After we get some official feedback on events, we'll let you know whether we can use the GM Promenade for FPUSA National Events. There are 13 pistes, which should accomodate plenty of Doubles/Triples matches. The many conventions in the area will help both promote use of the Riverfront walk, and the interest in the sport of Petanque.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Joe attends NYC Bastille Tournament
President of MPC, Joe, attends his first Bastille Day tournament in New York. Was it a tournament? or a party? You'll have to decide... The Blue Orchids jazz band confuses the intent of the event to the casual observer... But don't be swayed... there was definitely some serious games played! But as you can see, you can't seperate a great time off the piste with some serious petanque games on the piste when attending such a great petanque event!
Mario Runs Everything With His Expertise
With our new club, running a tournament with 100 teams seems almost inconceivable... but to Mario, from Petanque America, NO PROBLEM! Joe gains some valuable advice from the Petanque America crew for running inevitably LARGE tournaments in our near future!
Bar Tabac Always Draws A Crowd!
Bastille Day Tournament a Huge Success!
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Romain only has Double-A not Triple-A...
Finally, we realize that the problem was with the starter-cable (not the starter) leading to the battery - that was loose. Fortunately we were able to contact AAA and they jacked up his car, tapped the wire, started up the car (American-made) and Dan followed Romain to the garage.
Thankfully enough of the club members were around to both call for assistance, and keep things comical!
Would YOU trust these guys to fix your car?!
Eric and Sebastien lend a hand at repairing Romain's vehicle. Unfortunately, Sebastien's ice-scraper didn't seem to do the job (it was 86 degrees outside!) and Eric bashing in the side windows of Romain's car with that metal wrench/club didn't seem to get the engine started either. I guess if anyone has mechical problems in the future, we'd better just leave it to AAA.
Romain's Car Requires Another Measurement
Final Results: Jean-Claude, Mike, and Francoise Take 1st Place
We couldn't have asked for better weather or company during our Bastille Day picnic and petanque tournament. (more photos to follow). There were four games played by each of the eight teams with the top two teams (Gerard/Romain/Anita vs. Jean Claude/Mike/Francoise) going to a final.
and what a final it was! Jean Claude/Mike/Francoise were down 6 to 12, but they pulled a magnificent comeback (point-by-point) to finally arrive at 13 (and victory). Congrats to all of the players for participating and playing Petanque at a very high standard.
(More photos to follow as the day progresses)