Welcome to the Midwest Petanque Alliance BLOG. The MPA includes: Zanesfield Petanque Club, Chicago Petanque Club, Minneapolis Petanque Club, Rocket City Petanque Club, and Detroit Petanque Club. The main purpose of this BLOG is the promotion of petanque and petanque related news and photos for the Midwest community. See the links to actual club sites on the right...
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Where to Store those Extra Cochonnets
Pointing Practice Equipment

Monday, May 28, 2007
Cousin Clubs: Fenyx Petanque Club & Detroit Petanque Club
Pavel is sending over some shirts from the Fenyx club which Detroit Petanque Club members can wear.
And so, we have forged a cousin club idea where petanque clubs in the United States can link up with petanque clubs in Europe, Australia, and Asia to promote a worldwide family of boule players. I encourage those of you who enjoy reading this blog to do the same. Find clubs in another part of the world, in a different country, a different continent, and start a cousin club relationship with them.
To Pavel, Jirka, and Renata of the Fenyx club - hello cousins!
FOR SALE: Machine for Boule Shooting Training
Description: Very nice machine for a Petanque club which returns shot boules. A target boule is attached by a cable to the center of the shooting piste. The machine takes note of the force of the shots, and displays them on a screen (1,2 or 3) while returning the shooting boule to the player.
EBAY France
Chicago Tribune Gives Chicago Petanque Club a Nice Write Up
By Patrick Kampert
Tribune staff reporter
May 27, 2007
Please forgive the members of the Chicago Petanque Club as they compare themselves, tongue in cheek, to hoops star Ben Wallace and company: "The Chicago Boules: It's not just a basketball team anymore."
Clearly, they need to work on their puns. But their sporting skills are doing just fine. Q told you about the club last September, when the French version of bocce ball drew teams from Michigan and Kentucky to west suburban Forest Park for the fledgling organization's first-ever tournament. But Saturday's Midwest Petanque Tournament is scheduled for a higher-profile venue: Grant Park's Hutchinson Field No. 7, near Balbo and Columbus Drives.
The growth has surprised club President Dan Danielson, who has seen his group double in size to two dozen members in the last year.
"I didn't know what to expect," he said. "For a game that's virtually unknown, it's interesting how people hear about it."
Sometimes they just stumble across the club practicing. That's what happened a couple of weeks ago as a young man passing by the park in Forest Park stopped to visit. The man told Danielson that he had played petanque as a child but hadn't seen anyone else tossing the metal balls (called boules) since a vacation in Paris. The group also has added practice locations in Bridgeport and Naperville.
Forty people are signed up for Saturday's Grant Park tourney, which begins at 11 a.m. and lasts until early evening. Spectators are welcome.
And as Chicago continues its lobbying for the 2016 Olympic Games, Danielson's group will be doing its part to help. The petanque club will give a demonstration in Millennium Park on June 23 as part of "The World of Games," sponsored by the Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs. Later in the summer, on Aug. 10, the club will be back at Millennium Park for the city's "Games Galore" presentation.
If you want more information or just want to offer another bad pun to the club (how about "the Chicago Petanque Club is on a roll"), visit chicagopetanque.com or call Danielson at 708-366-3768.
Copyright © 2007, Chicago Tribune
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Louis Vuitton Soft-Petanque Set
It is a 9 boules set(?) with three different patterns (LV logos) and comes with a keychain that holds your LV cochonnet. Ritzy. Price... unknown.
But for those who like to play petanque indoors, I have a more economical solution, buy the "La Molle" set at Petanque America for a far lower price. CLICK HERE to see them.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Music to Celebrate 100 Years of Petanque
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Oh, for a Carreau!
7 May 2002
I have been playing the game of petanque for about a year now. You may have seen its modified Italian form called bocce.
Both games are similar, but whereas in bocce the players use brightly colored lightweight, feminine wooden balls, petanque players use dark, heavy masculine balls of steel.
The game of petanque, like golf, looks deceptively simple: all that needs to be done is to get a ball as close as possible to a small wooden ball that is tossed from six to ten meters away.
Players are grouped into teams, each team throwing, rolling, tossing, or dropping their balls until at least one of them is closer to the small ball (called "the little one", or cochonette) than any balls from the opposition team. Teams score one point for each of their balls that is closer to the cochonette than the nearest opponent's ball. These, beyond one or two refinements, are the rules.
For two years I sat on a green bench in the southwest corner of Central Park where the old men play petanque, and I watched. One by one, these mostly French gentlemen would come to the throwing circle (a smallish area penciled into the ground to designate where to stand) and they would throw their balls, each time showing every appearance of great mental strain.
Almost invariably these balls would curve off, or bounce away, ending as far as one to two meters from their intended target. Some, and always by some miraculous path over twigs, roots, rocks, divots, and miscellaneous debris, would nestle right next to the little one. This was always a cause of great celebration on the part of the teammates of the lucky player. The player who made the throw invariably gave a subtle shrug, one that could equally well mean that he was aware of his luck, or that he knew all along that his skill was responsible for this throw's perfection.
As a spectator I could see how each errant ball was misplayed. How could he have dropped it so close? My God! (Or, more precisely, Mon Dieu!) Did he not see that rock? How could he have thrown it so hard, when anybody could see that that shot called for the touch gentle?
I watched with a confident eye, certain that I could do this simple task. I went online and bought balls from Petanque America and showed up at the field the next week. The only thing that worried me was that I would become too good too fast, and so have to find a new place to play, somewhere where there were better players. I would, therefore, start slowly.
The men were happy to find a new victim, or, um, enthusiast. They let me play immediately. They even let me lead off. I stepped to the circle, knew to keep my feet on the ground, sized up the terrain, and let loose my ball. It soared through the air and rolled to the cochonette! It continued rolling past the cochonette, over a hill, across a tree trunk, and, as far as I know, is still rolling through the West side of Manhattan towards the Hudson river.
This was odd because I was certain I had only used a feather touch on the throw. It must be because the ground was too hard. My opponent put a ball about half a meter away. I came back to the circle, and this time I concentrated. Do not throw it too hard! I let the ball fall every so gently, and this time it lined up exactly with the little one. If it had only rolled more than the one meter it did, it would have been perfect.
The afternoon continued much the same. And so did the next week, and the week after that and so on. It was two months before I could make a throw that wasn't acutely embarrassing. But did my teammates mind that I was helping them lose so many games?
To answer that, let me tell you that the best part of petanque is its sociability, its sense of camaraderie. So, no, they did not mind. They loved that I could perform one of the most valuable services that a player can perform: I made the other players feel better about themselves. No matter how badly another person played, once they watched me, they could always say, "At least I am not that bad."
The game is very popular with spectators. Most who walk by our playing field stop to watch (games are played nearly every day of the year). These people give every appearance of enjoying our obvious eccentricities. Little kids like to pick up the balls and feel their solid heft. A few others try a toss.
But it's the fifty-plus-year-old men who watch us that I can see have the same smug and not-so-secret grin that I had before I started playing. I can see their thoughts as they stand with their arms crossed. I can see their eyes roll with silent exasperation on every bad shot. I can see what they are thinking. They too believe that they can do this simple simple game better then we can.
Yes, I was exactly like these men were before I started to play. My smug grin is long gone. It has been replaced by a grimace of agony.
[To explain the title: a carreau is the name of a perfect throw. It happens when you throw your ball and knock your opponent's ball away, while yours stays in the same spot that your opponent's ball occupied. Petanque is, as I have alluded, just as frustrating as golf, but it is free to play. You only have to buy a set of balls once: balls are about forty to eighty dollars. And you can play in just about any space. These qualities make it, in my opinion, a far superior game to golf.]
Matt Briggs is an Assistant Professor at the Cornell Medical School. He is also a consulting statistician. He specializes in the design of modern (Bayesian) large-scale, automatic, and web-based data analysis systems.
You can find Matt's other very witty and amusing stories and cartoons at his excellent website: www.wmbriggs.com/
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Detroit's Downtown Hoedown & Petanque
This year it's the 25th Annual Detroit Downtown Hoedown with Country music concerts, lots of country cooking, and cowboy hats a-plenty. You can find most of the details HERE
And of course, we'll be playing petanque, wearing our western hats, and shooting (boules) . . .
(photos will be posted later)
Friday, May 18, 2007
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Videos-Petanque.fr has great petanque content
Here's the newest OBUT commercial - HERE
Note: Click on the photo, not on the words and the video should play.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Petanque on your Playstation-2
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Saturday's Pre-Mother's Day at Campus Martius Park

Today's participants included: Joe Z.; Jeff B.; Denise B.; Sean; Dave; Danny; Jeff; Mike; Michael; Susie; and Marley (mostly as interference)

Michael, Jeff B.'s friend, has played petanque before, laying down his boule close to the cochonnet time after time. Hope you return!
Mike tried on his new Detroit Petanque Club uniform - perfect fit.
If anyone cares to obtain DPC caps, shirts, etc, you can find the link at the website
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Play Petanque on your Cellphone
Play against 8 characters, in 3 different game modes:
Single Game/Tournament/Challenge
Different kind of fields:
Grass / Asphalt / Sand / Ice
Up to 4 players. Play either against your phone or against your friends
Bluetooth multiplayer game on supported phones
Children's Petanque Set
Classic game of petanque on a child's scale. 60mm diameter boules (for the child size hand) and cochonnet 25mm all in a carrying case.
from a European website, www.eurekakids.net
Sunday, May 06, 2007
"American friends, I want to tell them that France will always be by their side when they need. I also want to tell them that friendship means accepting that friends can have different opinions."
The first round of France's presidential election was held on April 22. Nicolas Sarkozy came in first with 31.18% of the votes, ahead of Segolene Royal of the Socialists with 25.87%.
In the second round, Nicolas Sarkozy came out on top to win the election with 53.5% of the votes ahead of Segolene Royal with 46.5%.
In his speech immediately following the announcement of the election results, Sarkozy stressed the need for France's modernization, but also called for national unity.
Joe Z. Instructs new Michigan Petanque member
Joe Z. was being extra patient on Saturday, instructing "Eddie" the newest member of the Michigan Petanque Club, in the art of the backspin.
Apparently Eddie is a fast learner, as he beat Joe 13/0 in today's game (see the corresponding blog below where Joe satisfies the fanny rule).
The Cinco de Mayo Tete-a-Tete Tournament was spread out across Campus Martius Park. Jeff brought the sombreros - and we decided to count our point scores out in Spanish.
Afterwards, some of the participants walked over to Greektown to see what festivities were going on, and that's where Joe met up with some new members for the Michigan Petanque Club (photos).
Friday, May 04, 2007
The E5 Digital Petanque Score Keeper - Get Yours!
Not only does it keep score for both teams, but it automatically shows you the point difference (how much the opposition has to catch up to your team).
Sure, you can keep a mental note of the score, you can also use the classic leatherette scorer - but for the gadget hungry petanque enthusiast: digital is the way to go...
I don't sell 'em, but here's how I bought mine and how you can get your own for around $19 including shipping:
Go to EBAY, type in the search terms: LCD Hand Tally Counter
You'll see a few different counters come up on your screen, find the E5 (E5-1804 specifically - the other counters don't have the right # of readouts for petanque) - select it, buy it, and enjoy it.
Yes, in essence, it is a counter for crowd attendence, hotdog eating contests, whatever, but it has 4 configurations (you'll want mode 2) which makes the top left and right LCD readouts for the 2 team scores, and the bottom center for the score difference.
Bronze is Back Baby! Italy has many new bronze boule manufacturers
Pavel Kral of the Fenyx Petanque Club pointed out these new Futura bronze boules to me.
Could it be that bronze is back, and better than ever? It was for the longest time that only Integrale manufactured bronze boules, but checking the Boules Homologuees for the Federation of Petanque and Jeu Provencal's listing, there's CAST and UNIBLOC and Futura (depicted here).
Perhaps petanquers are realizing some of the benefits of using bronze as a boule material.
What I also enjoy, is seeing the many different striation markings on these new boules - much like those you'd find on Boules Lyonnaise.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Some of the Teams for the Chicago Midwest Tournament
Jeff B./Kerry
LindseyS./Denise B.
Joe Z./Cyrille D.
James H./Cheryl D.
Jeff W./Hal D.
Also attending will be Brigitte D.; and Philippe B. (not sure if he's playing)
Marco F. had to be somewhere else at the last minute...
Cinco de Mayo - Battle of Puebla Tournament
The French who were intent on supplying the confederate army with weapons which may have changed the outcome of the U.S. Civil war.
It is a national holiday in Mexico which is also widely celebrated in the United States.
What does this mean for you? BOULE TOURNAMENT OF COURSE!
I’m not sure whether it will be Tete-a-Tete or Doubles - it depends upon the number of participants.
Bring appropriate headgear (sombreros; berets) for the day. It’ll be fun.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Prefabricated Throwing Circle for Cheapskates
a few measurements and scissor cuts later and voila... a prefabricated throwing circle!
They come in red and navy... and make excellent gifts for your petanque friends.
(excerpt) ARTICLE 6: ...Where a prefabricated circle is used, it must have an internal diameter of 50cm.
This circle, valid for the three consecutive throws allowed to a team, must be drawn at least 1 m from all obstacles, and at least 1 m inside the boundary of the playing area [normally the dead boule line] and, for competitions on open terrains, at least 2m from another circle in use.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Cochon d'Or Trophy to Detroit Doublette Willie & Nate
Their scores: 13/6 13/8 13/11 13/4
and in the Final: 13/12
Good going guys!