Welcome to the Midwest Petanque Alliance BLOG. The MPA includes: Zanesfield Petanque Club, Chicago Petanque Club, Minneapolis Petanque Club, Rocket City Petanque Club, and Detroit Petanque Club. The main purpose of this BLOG is the promotion of petanque and petanque related news and photos for the Midwest community. See the links to actual club sites on the right...
Friday, May 30, 2008
Sharon Hunter Helps Us Win Two Games to Zip
Thursday, May 29, 2008
New Tropicana Boule Tested in Detroit
Mike Replaces His Lost Boules with New Ones
Just in from Florida, Mike's new Tropicana Boules arrived. They're 78 mm, 760 grams, and full of Vitamin C goodness. They even have his name on them!
May your Tropicana Boule always be closest to the cochonnet!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Another Guinness World Record
The $150 engraved Obut Match 120's were given to him on May 5th, and yesterday (May 27th) were left on the bus.
We have a team of experts searching the bus lost & found; and pawn shops of Detroit hunting out Mike's balls. I'll keep you updated.
On a side note, Pat A. forsaw them going missing on May 5th: (portion of the e-mail):
...nice one Wayne could be used at the next meet. I bet he leaves on the bus on his way down.
Jeff did you get insurance on the boules?
ANSWER: Nope, no insurance.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
No Sleep for the Wicked - World Record Breaker Celebration Continues
Back at the office
Then I gave a short display of petanque in the office, using the smooth carpet as a piste. My first boule ended up inside one of the offices.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
THEY DID IT! Guiness World Record Broken!
Not satisfied with merely breaking the record, they are continuing on in their quest to set a new mark of 48 hours. You can follow their attempt in real time from the Heritage Festival in Rochester, Michigan via the live video feed here: http://www.mogulus.com/petanque
Friday, May 23, 2008
Petanque Marathon World Record Breaking Event

Details can be found at the World Record Breaker website: http://www.petanquealliance.com/
If you would like to help us out as a volunteer (an hour, 2 hours or even longer) or even to just cheer us on and say hello, come on by:
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Saturday before the Big Guinness World Record

We enjoyed a nice afternoon (with very minimal rain). A full triplette: James, Cheryl, Dan, Alpha, Mike and Jeff.

Thursday, May 15, 2008
Bocce or Petanque? Why not BOTH!
Beautiful weather brought out lots of lunchtime competition, and the Detroit Petanque Club is happy to see that a new Bocce Club has formed at Cadillac Square. I believe their hours are similar (12-1pm) but I'll keep you posted as to the details.
Pat, Tim and Mike show a Fanny isn't as Easily Made Against Them
and with a 13/7 loss, we were determined to take a revenge match. Pat and Tim quickly retreated back to their offices, as Hatesh joined us...
Jeff/Aaron verses Kevin/Mike/Hatesh
with KMH leading 12/5 we caught up and took the lead and the win 13/12
Friday, May 09, 2008
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Red Downs Tries out his New Obut Boules

There was plenty of jockeying for space, with good tight points tossed in all-around, but with an equal number of accurate shots from James, Tim, and Jeff.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Double Victory for Pat, Wayne & Jeff
The first game was ugly, with PWJ winning 13/2. The second game, a "revenge" also failed, but not as easily, 13/8 - the victory to PWJ.
Monday, May 05, 2008
Mike's New Obut Boules Arrived

Sunday, May 04, 2008
Sunday in Royal Oak

Present were: Joe Z., Jeff B., Jeff W., James H., Cheryl D., Michael, Denise B., Eric Z., Dan C., Ian, Alex, plus a ton of others faces too new for me to remember names (sorry).
Also there were no less than four dogs: Celia (Havanese); Bentley (Havanese); Tzu-Tzu (Corgi/Westie mix); and a big ole doggie with aq victorian collar (black lab mix).
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Crutches Don't Stop a Dedicated Petanquer
In fact, our sport was conceived for people with mobility issues. Back in World War 1, veterans with missing or prosthetic limbs participated in Petanque games either standing in the circle, or on their wheelchairs, with the wheel placed within the circle.