Welcome to the Midwest Petanque Alliance BLOG. The MPA includes: Zanesfield Petanque Club, Chicago Petanque Club, Minneapolis Petanque Club, Rocket City Petanque Club, and Detroit Petanque Club. The main purpose of this BLOG is the promotion of petanque and petanque related news and photos for the Midwest community. See the links to actual club sites on the right...
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Raphael performs 5 Raphaels today...
Monday, September 29, 2008
Close Win - and Deric Coming Around the Bend . . .
Close game between Pat/Matt & Kevin/Mike. The doublettes exchanged point for point, getting to about 8/9 before Pat/Matt took a commanding lead, sitting on 12/8. It looked good enough for the win, but Kevin/Mike got their asses in gear and blasted their solids (verses Pat/Matt's striped boules) to a 13/12 victory.
On the adjoining piste, Abu/Raphael/Tom went against Jeff/Tim/Deric for two games, ending in a twin victory for Deric's team. (13/5 & 13/7) Raphael has been taking more shots - gaining experience in becoming a dangerous shooter, whilst Tom's faithful pointing coupled with Abu's sense of strategy kept them fighting to the end.
Deric is 8 games in, with a 2.0 average. He plans to play for the next couple of days, which, if he merely wins 13/12 will rocket him to the top standing average once he gets 10 games under his belt. A tough position to beat with potentially 2nd place Hitesh sitting on 1.94
Friday, September 26, 2008
Hitesh Leads the Group - then Kevin
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Hitesh and Abu take Both Games
It went south - FAST!
Hitesh has been taking the shooter role - with chances taken, but plenty of successes - while Abu has been faithfully pointing in bole after boule. Mike was - for 3/4 of the game, waaay off in his pointing - but to be fair, my shots weren't don't much to change things around.
The first game: 13/7 Hitesh & Abu.
The second game (played to 7 points) was the nail in the coffin. Kevin still felt that if we were able to fanny them (7/0) then the resultant score: 13/6 would edge him to top position (or closer to it at least). Well, there was a 7/0 fanny ... OURS! Hitesh and Abu beat us again. No help from me when I shot away 2 of our boules by mistake to bring in their 3 points for the win. Blech!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Bumpy Terrain Provides for a Rocky Result
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
The New Guys Are Killing the Old
Monday, September 22, 2008
Monday's Detroit Game
Today's games saw a return of the Honigman brothers, Pat & Tim who took on Mike for a devastating 3/13 loss. The opposition (Jeff; Raphael; Abu) looked on and even winced when Mike rolled in some real lead-boules waaaay off the mark. Shooting and pointing was way off for the H-team and we quickly built up a strong lead which held to the end.
The second game (7 points) we (Jeff/Rob/Mike) lost to Abu/Raphael. Their pointing was just too powerful.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Nice Day for Some Boule at Campus Martius Park
I'm not sure how many Saturdays we'll have left until the weather finally turns - but so far so good.
Royal Oak Lets Loose Again!

Everyone had something to say today! It was talk time at the piste on Sunday! As you can see here on the sidelines... everyone couldn't even wait to get seated to enjoy a few stories. It also may have been a syndrome that Michiganders get this time of year. If you have great weather in September, you enjoy it! So that's what we all did. Slow paced games, but stealthy shots to keep the games interesting, an all-around great day! Weather already looks good for next weekend, so let's all do it again!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Friday's Crepetacular
Finally we pulled ahead, clinching it at 13/7.
Kevin Takes the Club Top Average

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Where there's a Will - there's a Way
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Kevin's Team Schooled Us In a 6 to 13 Slaughter
It wasn't all bad - in the sense that Kevin/Rafael/Mike lead the game at 10 points to our Zero. We (Jeff/Wayne/Tom/Abu) were able to hold them for 5 rounds, assembling 6 points before they finally made their three in the final. If we had a little more leeway, I think we could have lasted for another 2-3 rounds. In the end, it was Kevin's exceptional pointing and really great shooting which ruled the day.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Hooked on Pointing
Now keep in mind I'm left-handed, so my hook will be to the right. Do I really need to spell it out that right hander's hooks will go left? Anyhow, the hook-point is a useful method for bringing your boule around a pesky obstacle (like an opposing team's boule 6 inches in front of the cochonnet).
To effectuate this throw, you'll be sweeping your palm sideways (in the illustration - towards the right) while at the same time applying backspin. The released boule will (depending on the momentum and distance of the target) offer a pleasant little hook at the end of its travel.
Give it a try and see how it may improve your game.
Friday's Game - Dreary Weather - Exciting Gameplay
The second game sent the Honigman boys back to their offices, while Matt, Rafael, and Tom teamed up against Hitesh, Mike, and Jeff. I was impressed with Matt's shooting - making most of his shots - while Tom and Rafael were really pointing in within inches of the cochonnet. I guess that was who we lost to them (7 point game) 6/7 (12/13). I blame Mike - (why? why not?!). See you Monday! If the weather provides a dry span of time, you can try the club out on Saturdays (or even Sundays up in Royal Oak).
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Better Later than Never . . .
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
a close shave today - 13/12
Remembering to Shoot the Cochonnet

Measuring between 25 and 35 millimeters, the cochonnet seems such a tiny target but don't discount the vast benefits (and possible dire consequences) of displacing it's location.
Article 13 should be knowlegeable to each and every petanquer:
If, during an end, the cochonnet becomes dead, one of three cases can apply:
a) If both teams have boules to play, the end is void.
b) If only one team has boules left to play, then this team scores as many points as it has boules to play.
c) If neither team has boules to play, the end is void.
Let's say your team is down to it's last two boules, with no defensive boules positioned, and the opposing team has 4 or 5 boules left to use - then attempting to hit the cochonnet out of bounds with the second-to-last boule seems like a good strategy. If it fails, then at least you can still attempt to point defensively with your last boule.
But, if the shoe is on the other foot; the opposition has used up all of its boules; the cochonnet is in a difficult place to point; and your team has 4 or 5 to use, then why not take the opportunity to knock out that cochonnet for many points!
Moving (pushing/sweeping) the cochonnet back to a group of your own boules is also a nice strategy to keep in mind. Sometimes a position that looks pretty dire can turn around with a push of the cochonnet.
Monday, September 08, 2008
Zounds! We've beaten them Again!
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Another Petanquer Affixes the Eternal Boule
Tim & Pat tried everything to secure a win, Tim ate Baby Carrots and Yellow Peppers but STILL Hitesh/Jeff/Gene beat them 13/10. Now Hitesh is tied with me to top-o-the rankings... Good on yah!
Our team was able to knock the cochonnet out into the back, with no boules around, we laid down four for victory. Stolen from the grasp of the Honigman boys.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Mikey Moose Tracks Wins Big for his Team
Mikey "Moose Track" brought in a big win for his team (Hitesh & Pat) 13 to 5.
Kevin; Rob; Tim; and Jeff simply didn't have the gusto to pull off sufficient points to challenge their opponents.