Oh did I not mention that there's a giant vault in the room in case of a nuclear attack (or zombies). If the sh^t hits the fan we know we'll be the last petanque players to survive!

Welcome to the Midwest Petanque Alliance BLOG. The MPA includes: Zanesfield Petanque Club, Chicago Petanque Club, Minneapolis Petanque Club, Rocket City Petanque Club, and Detroit Petanque Club. The main purpose of this BLOG is the promotion of petanque and petanque related news and photos for the Midwest community. See the links to actual club sites on the right...
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Petanque inside a Bank Vault in Detroit
Oh did I not mention that there's a giant vault in the room in case of a nuclear attack (or zombies). If the sh^t hits the fan we know we'll be the last petanque players to survive!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Possibly the Last "Outdoor" Game for the Season in Detroit
With colder temperatures arriving I'm thinking this might be the last game for the 2011 Season - outdoors that is. Pat has secured an indoor location which might be put into use as early as next week. (Note: I'm not in the office from Thursday to Monday so our next boule-ing opportunity will be Tuesday (11/22).
Today's game: Abu/Jeff vs. Fred - with Team Abu/Jeff taking an early lead, getting 6 points before Fred warmed up to the Court - but when he dialed in, it was as if every round he'd get one point while we sat perpetually on 6 points. When it was all over, Fred took the win 13 to our 9.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Hey, Someone Turned off the Heat!
I was happy to wear my sherpa hat today because the wind and chill definitely cut into our hands and after a few rounds really worked against our shooting/pointing. I'm not sure if this is it for the season because you never know when the weather will become warm again in Michigan. Pat A. has secured an indoor location which will allow us to continue despite any snowdrifts and ice on the ground. Stay tuned!
The official lighting of the Campus Martius Tree is fast arriving (November 18th) |
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
We're Having a Heatwave in the Mid-West
MVP Sam really tightened the screws at today's game in Campus Martius Park. Leading the batting order for our team, Sam rolled in close boule after close boule - leaving Team-Pat/Abu/Maury scrambling to point in. We took the lead early on and kept a healthy margin - with Team-Pat only gaining 1 point in their early rounds while we gained 2 and 3 points per round. Towards the end they made a comeback with a couple of three-point rounds, but it was all over and done when Tim pointed in two boules for the 13/10 win.
Monday, November 07, 2011
Ice Rink Nearly Frozen Over at Campus Martius Park
It is hard to imagine that in a month the rink behind our court will be filled with skaters. For now, hoever, the conditions are ripe for petanque playing.
Multi-tasking is our middle name. When a business phone call rings in, we can still point in the close boule.
Seasonable weather for a monday, with lots of folks congregating in the park for the cider and doughtnuts (at the Compuware float) and to check out our game playing.
Friday, November 04, 2011
Welcome to the Fall Foliage at the Petanque Courts in Detroit
With November came some really bright color transformations in the foliage surrounding Campus Martius Park in Detroit where we play our afternoon petanque games in the warmth of the sun. There's some leave on the terrain, but they don't disturb our boule pointing, in fact, it only adds to the charm of playing so deeply into our season. The ice rink is installed and soon the park will be getting the ice surface installed. The holiday tree has been lowered into position and this weekend the special "Tree Elves" will be hanging all of the super-sized ornaments (they sort of look like giant boules!)
Thursday, November 03, 2011
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
Boule Playing As the Christmas Tree is Lowered into Campus Martius Park
Today's game was full of careful playing by the rules as a cochonnet, knocked (for an Article 13 hopeful) out of bounds bounced against a "dead boule" that remained on the court. The ruling? The cochonnet was still in-play as it did not leave the field of play but the dead boule became dead when a player (from the same team as the boule thrown) stopped the boule with his foot before it rolled off the court. This is an "understood policy" with our club (out of convenience) so as not to have to chase down far flung invalid boules across the pavement. Technically, the "dead" boule should have been allowed to leave the court before being touched by a player, and removed (as per Article 18 - "Boules out of Play"): Any dead boule must immediately be removed from the playing area*. If it is not it will be considered in-play once the next boule is played by the opposing team. * It is the responsibility of the team playing to remove any dead boule that has re-entered the playing area. If the dead boule is not removed and the next boule is played by the same team, and as a result of that play the dead boule is struck or strikes other boules, the opponent may choose to accept all the new positions of those boules or declare them all dead. The same applies if the jack hits, or is moved by, the dead boule or boules set in motion by it. Regardless of the opponent's choice, the re-entered boule remains dead and must be removed. The cochonnet, upon hitting the non-removed "dead boule" would be considered dead or kept at it's resting position. I chose to keep the cochonnet where it lay, but to remove the dead boule (as it's movement was interfered with by a player from the throwing team). The result was that the opposition was able to get three points from that round - and the eventual win 13/11. |
Jeff, Sam, Tim, Pat, Abu, Fred, and Maury just before their big petanque game |
Lots of analysis of strategy and rules for the petanque games at Cadillac Square Park |
Tuesday, November 01, 2011
2nd Boule Played When 1st Boule Already Had the Point
Today's game brought up a situation where a Player from Team-A threw a boule which was closest, but he didn't realize and he then threw a 2nd boule. Then Team-B threw their boule to get closer. What is the proper protocal/rule for this situation?
Typically, if the proximity of the 1st boule was not obvious, and a measurement was not called for, and the 2nd boule was thrown, we would keep the 2nd boule on the court where is rested. It is advised that teams have a member at the cochonnet end of the court to observe and measure when closeness is not obvious.
Article 16 – Throwing of the First and Following Boules
The first boule of an end is thrown by a player belonging to the team that has won the toss or the last scoring end. Following boules are played by the team not holding the point.
Article 24 – Throwing Boules Contrary to the Rules.
Any boule thrown contrary to the rules is dead and, if marked, everything it has moved in its travel is put back in place. The same applies to any boule played from a circle other than that from which the jack was thrown.
However, the opponent may play the advantage rule and declare it to be valid. In this case, the boule pointed or shot is valid and everything it has displaced remains in its place
Typically, if the proximity of the 1st boule was not obvious, and a measurement was not called for, and the 2nd boule was thrown, we would keep the 2nd boule on the court where is rested. It is advised that teams have a member at the cochonnet end of the court to observe and measure when closeness is not obvious.
Article 16 – Throwing of the First and Following Boules
The first boule of an end is thrown by a player belonging to the team that has won the toss or the last scoring end. Following boules are played by the team not holding the point.
Article 24 – Throwing Boules Contrary to the Rules.
Any boule thrown contrary to the rules is dead and, if marked, everything it has moved in its travel is put back in place. The same applies to any boule played from a circle other than that from which the jack was thrown.
However, the opponent may play the advantage rule and declare it to be valid. In this case, the boule pointed or shot is valid and everything it has displaced remains in its place
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