Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Where Are Our Blog Readers From?

Where Are Our Blog Readers?

Joe and Jeff were wondering: from where (county, state etc) our BLOG
readers came...

If you could be so kind as to send us off an e-mail simply
telling us what country, state, city you're from, we'd appreciate it.

Please send your e-mails to:

Thank you very much. We're just very curious.

1 comment:

Hal D'Arpini said...


One way you can track visitors is to use one of the many free site tracking services (I use one on the Alliance Française site).

It's very simple to do. After you register on the site tracking web site, you create a "project" for the blog. The site then provides you with a few lines of code that you copy and paste at the bottom of the blog's HTML code (on the "Template" tab when you're in blog edit mode).

Then whenever you want to see whose been visiting the blog, you go to the site tracking website, click on the blog's "project," and you'll see a bunch of statistics related to visitors. It provides both, individual statistics (IP addresses, ISPs, locations, which pages they visited, the page they came from) and summary statistics, by date.

I use two site tracking services, and (I registerd at two sites just for comparison purposes). Both sites give you the same code to paste into your HTML code, the only difference between the two is the way in which they present their statistics.

It's not as personal as getting a note from someone telling you who they are, etc., but it's great in terms of raw numbers for showing how many visitors are hitting the site, when, and how often.
