Thursday, May 29, 2008

New Tropicana Boule Tested in Detroit

Aaron and I tested out the Tropicana boules this afternoon at Cadillac Square Park. The first thing we noticed is the distinct bounciness of the orange-boule. It takes a bit of finesse to get it rolling down the piste. The weight (light) means you need to heft it a bit, but beware - it'll bounce right out of bounds if you're not too careful! I do prefer striations on my boules, but I daresay cutting "stripes" in the Tropicana boules might lead to a messy end.
Speaking of messy ends, I attempted a plombee and not only did my Tropicana boule "not stick" but it split! I'll have to examine my warranty to see if it covers damages after merely 1 game.

The obvious and perhaps ONLY benefit of the Tropicana boule over it's more solidly built cousin, is that it's edible. At the conclusion of the game (Aaron won handily) I decided to eat my boules for their vitamin-C rich content. Try doing THAT with an Obut Nexius!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jeff, you are a very sick man.