Monday, June 26, 2006

The Tournament Results

It was a long, but enjoyable day of petanque. We began with all teams playing three matches (against random opponents). Then, the 12 teams were ranked, with the top 6 playing each other (3 matches) in the Victor's round; whilst the remaining 6 played in the Consolante.

At the conclusion of those three games, the teams were ranked - and the top 2 Victor Teams played a final, as well as the top 2 Consolante Teams.

I do not have the photos (YET) of the winning Victor's Team (Michel; Jeannette; and Camille) but here are the Consolante winners... Lindsey; Ken and Joe.


Anonymous said...


When you find some time send me the names of all participants together with which team/club they belong to (it can be a photo of the team registry sheet) and I will try to put together the Midwest Petanque Alliance (unofficial) Classification...

Chicago Petanque Club

Baby Nubbins said...


Aren't you tired of petanque yet? When I awoke today, I was thoroughly exhausted and almost threw all of my boules into the Detroit river!

Hmm okay, I don't have the score-sheets from the 1st half of the day (Joe?) but if we still have them(or a photo of them) then we can assemble the names...