Thursday, June 25, 2009

Keep your eye on the Cochonnet

Pat and I played a rather nice game today. Pat laid in very good anchored points at the start of each round - and I shot away whatever became closer. By the round's end, we still had remaining boules with which to point as the other team (Mark / Hal / Jeff C. ) depleted their own boules in the pointing.

My shooting was on today as well - unusually. I missed (Mark was keeping record) only 2 shots of ... 9 (or so) throws.

1 comment:



I love all these diagrams your doing, I think it really helps to to have the basics slapped in ones face..
If only people spent as much time as they do putting together IKEA furniture via Scandinavian iconography as the do with Pétanque strategy.

Pétanque school for everyone......

All the best,