Thursday, July 31, 2008

Gene and Sharon Revisit the Piste in Detroit

We were playing at 8/8 and decided, since it was tied up and time was nearly up too, to make the next point a thirteen, and the loser at 12.

Fortunately my shooting was pretty decent today - so it turned the tables sufficiently to give us an edge.

It must have also convinced my partner, Hitesh, to go in as my tournament partner for August 26th. We'll make a very winning combination.

If you know you're going to attend the tournament, please do let me know because I'm going to close the gates at 8 doubles teams.


Anonymous said...

Mike Joe Gene = 13 / 5 not 13 / 8 . . . Other team can verify...

Anonymous said...

I was told the score by Gene... but I'll re-crunch the numbers tomorrow.


PS: Write down the scores on the sheet, it makes it easier!